Ex Libris: Β Latin, meaning “from the books of”.
For a while I’ve been aware of bookplates, but never really thought about what they are and what they mean. I’ve seen them for sale on The Literary Gift Company and felt like I needed some.
Then the good old British Museum shared a link on Facebook for this book:
…and it made me investigate more.
Good ol’ Wikipedia says:
“Bookplates typically bear aΒ name,Β motto,Β device,Β coat-of-arms,Β crest,Β badge, or any motif that relates to the owner of the book, or is requested by him from the artist or designer.”
Basically, they go in the front of all your books to say “these are MINE!” but in a nicer, more artistic and often very beautiful way.
Did you know there’s a Bookplate Society? You do now. This website makes me realise just how little I know about this topic- therefore, I hereby add ‘Bookplates’ to the ever-growing list of Stuff I Will Read Up On One Day But Don’t Have Time Right Now.
In the meantime, I find myself wanting to make a Craft Fantastic Bookplate, either with the little boat or the mermaid logo. While I’mΒ designingΒ that in my head, check out these absolutely gorgeous examples: