General Handmade travel journals Stationery

How to write a travel journal: hints & tips for starting out

Keeping a travel journal is a great way to both plan and document your travels. Being a list maker, I always keep a notebook for planning and packing, occasionally adding notes or drawings while I’m away. Whatever you’d like to use yours for, I’ve put together some ideas for what you could include – and some fun decorations examples!

PLANNING: go as basic or as in depth as you like. Keep it simple with where & when they’re going, or plan a full-on itinerary. Here are some ideas to get you thinking:
-Travel/accommodation details
-What to do while you’re there
-Language basics

PACKING: a list of essentials is good, so you don’t forget anything important. But it’s fun to plan everything else too 😎 My top categories are:
-Miscellaneous (for things that don’t quite fit in other categories!)

TRAVEL DIARY: unlined pages keeps things versatile. You can have space for writing, drawing or adding photos or tickets (in case you get such a rare thing as a paper ticket!). If the paper’s sturdy enough you can glue things in; you could also use paperclips, or stash things in the pocket of your notebook. What? Your notebook doesn’t have a pocket?! Add one yourself by gluing an envelope to the inside cover.

Finally, some ideas for decorations and doodles. You can add these to the appropriate pages as you’re planning. Think general travel icons, local foods or what to expect weather-wise.