
It was the cover that caught my eye… #16

‘The Diary Of A Nobody’ – the title caught my attention almost as much as the cover, which I spotted on Wikipedia’s homepage today:
Diary of a Nobody 1st Ed.
First published by Arrowsmith in 1892, with the above cover, it’s a comic novel written by George and Weedon Grossmith- and it’s also illustrated.

I really love the colours of this cover, not to mention the little banner at the bottom! If this excerpt from the preface is anything to go by, it sounds like my kind of book:

“Why should I not publish my diary? I have often seen reminiscences of people I have never even heard of, and I fail to see—because I do not happen to be a ‘Somebody’—why my diary should not be interesting.”


It was the cover that caught my eye… #12

Recent charity shop purchase:

And inside…

No idea what this book is, literally just saw the old cover and the fact it was 95p and bought it!


It was the cover that caught my eye… #2

There’s not much I can say about the cover of this edition of H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine. I think it’s clear why I love it:

The spine is equally exquisite:

The fact that this book is clearly old and worn just makes it all the better for me. A well-loved book is a happy book. Just don’t bend the spine back or I’ll slap you on the wrist.