Craft Gifts Lunchtime Lusting Origami Tutorial

Gift for Geeks, Origami tutorial & Meet the Maker

Hey! How’ve you all been? Ready for Spring? Me too. I’m not good at small talk, so let’s skip that and go straight to the fun stuff!

If niche gifting is what you’re after, this site has got it covered. Present Indicative describe their site as “Thoughtful gifts for curious people”. Blood vessel embroidery? They’ve got it. Make your own catapult? Why not! Soft toys shaped like microbes? Who knew Amoebas where so cute. Being a music lover, I think one of my favourites is this musical domino set.

Gifts can be tricky, though; and gift cards are great, but can sometimes seem a bit boring to give… so how about making a fancy holder? All you need is a sheet of A4 paper. You can find full instructions here; it’s really simple, just a few basic folds! Add a ribbon if you’re feeling extra fancy. I bet you are. Go on, add a ribbon.

Over on Instagram, the lovely Joanne Hawker runs March Meet The Maker. A chance for makers and creatives to share their stories and find other makers and creatives! So why not pop over to Instagram and give the hashtag a follow? I’ll be joining in over on my Instagram account and sharing to Facebook too. 

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